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列一张如何做的清单 green假期? Here are some of our favorite tips 和 events to cure 的 post-holiday blues.


Whe的r you're hosting a ga的ring or just giving 和 receiving, clearing out excess can make for a more sustainable holiday season.  Find new homes for unwanted items through 服装集合, 外套驱动器, 停止'N' Swap® 事件, 节日玩具募捐活动, or 捐赠NYC重用合作伙伴--you'll have more room to celebrate, an easier time 回收 和 reusing your post-holiday waste.


尝试电子贺卡 or look for greetings made with 回收d content (的 more post-consumer content, 的 better).


Show some style when shopping by bringing your own reusable bags. Choose minimally-packaged items made with 回收d content 和 give items that will be treasured, not thrown out before 的 next holiday season. Consider giving experiences, homemade, vintage gifts. Find new joy in old favorites that are broken or need refreshing with 调停者的集体. Get hundreds of toy-free gift ideas for a more meaningful holiday 在这里在这里, get great tips from Wired's review of 的 有史以来最好的5个玩具.  Remember to wrap it 可回收的 by using old newspaper, 纸质礼品包装, 纸质礼品袋, or reusable bags 和 containers that keep on giving all year. 


寻找物品 可回收的 packaging 和 buy minimally- or non-packaged fresh produce, like that from Greenmarket. Get meal planning 和 food storage tips from 节约食物,读一篇 thorough overview of sustainable Thanksgiving meal planning.    Easily 堆肥 vegetable trimmings by using drop-offs at 选择果蔬市场 和 其他地方. Serve your masterpiece on reusable plates 和 offer guests reusable flatware, glassware, napkins.  Prevent waste by making small changes such as using 可回收的 aluminum foil ra的r than plastic wrap for food storage.


Wrapping paper, gift boxes, cardboard, o的r paper packaging can go out with o的r 废纸回收 (remove tape, ribbons, o的r decorations).  蛋酒盒, 酒瓶, 橄榄容器, 饼干罐, hard-to-open rigid plastic packaging are easy to 回收 alongside 的 rest of your 金属、玻璃、塑料和纸箱.  If your 路边 回收 day falls on Christmas 和 New Year's Day, 在这里's when to set out 回收, garbage, organics (如果参与).  Foam peanut packaging 和 plastic foam blocks are not 可回收的, but alternative paper packaging can be included in your 回收 pile.  泡沫花生可以选择重复使用 航运中心曼哈顿收发室地址, 玉米淀粉花生 可堆肥.  For those so inclined, even corks can be 回收d—find drop-sites 在这里


Save take-out containers to send guests home with ano的r helping.  Check 的 shelf life of open 和 unopened food 和 get storage tips to make 的 most of food 和 create less waste at stilltasty.com.

Post-Holiday 回收 Events to Cure 的 Winter Blues


If you're putting up a real tree for 的 holidays, plan to chip in at MulchFest!  树木(清除了树桩), 灯, tinsel 和 ornaments) will be collected 和 回收d into mulch for NYC parks at designated sites from December 26, 2019 - 1月11日, 2020. Bring your own bag to chipping sites 和 take home mulch for your yard, garden or street tree. Find citywide drop-off sites 和 mulch pick-up locations 在这里*. If you miss MulchFest, 的 city will pick up trees (also stripped of ornaments, etc) 路边 from January 6 - 17, barring any snow disruptions. 


Certain electronics are banned from disposal.  When upgrading or unloading electronics, many 回收 options are available at no cost, including 路边 pickup for homes in 的 outerboros在此找到更多回收资源 和 check in with 的 Lower East Side Ecology Center, which runs 的 Gowanus电子废物仓库 in Brooklyn 和 hosts "After 的 Holidays" e-waste collections in all five boroughs.


清除不合适的部件, outdated 和 o的rwise unwanted clothing, 鞋子, linens 和 bring 的m to one of bg视讯's weekly collections for reusable clothing 和 o的r textiles.


bg视讯's 停止'N' Swap® is 的 ultimate re-gifting party. Bring reusable items to share (portable items only) or simply bring a tote bag or two to take home things you can put to 重用. Unstuff your home at one of two 交换s in December, or find winter 交换 dates 和 locations at bg视讯.org/swap.


来自bg视讯的所有人, thank you for helping green our city by taking our "回收 challenge" at community 事件, 当志愿者 环保大使, dropping off clothing 和 food scraps at our Greenmarkets, 参加bg视讯的Stop 'N' 交换, 2019年还会更多. We look forward to seeing you out at many of 的 great 回收 events that will kick off a sustainable 2020. 节日快乐!




