Help Greenmarket农民 Wea的r Hurricane Irene

张贴在 Greenmarket

A huge thank you to all of 的 customers, 美食作家, 还有厨师们,他们主动了解bg视讯的农民以及飓风艾琳对他们土地造成的影响, 企业, 和家庭. 正是在这样的时候,bg视讯才意识到绿色市场社区是多么的庞大和关怀.

在未来的几天和几周内,bg视讯无法确切地知道风和洪水对bg视讯的种植者造成了多大的破坏, but we know already that many have been severely impacted. While farmers are assessing 的 damage and figuring out how to move forward, 这里有两种方法可以帮助你:

1. 捐赠.

尽你所能, 但从现在起到9月30日,捐出50美元或以上捐给“飓风救援”的人,将获得一个 免费菜市场海报 illustrated by artist Claudia Pearson. 所有捐款的100%将直接支持受飓风艾琳影响的绿色市场农民.

去bg视讯的 网络为善捐赠页面
Choose Program Designation: Hurricane Irene Relief


2. Eat locally for all of September.

加入Greenmarket NOFA-NY as we celebrate 的 glorious month that is September, 当夏天的西红柿和茄子与新到的冬瓜和花椰菜分享餐桌时. 吃一顿当地的饭菜 每一天,主持人 取材于当地家常便饭 访问一个 Greenmarket-inspired餐厅, and tell us all about it (submit photos and stories to Liz Carollo at


Thank you for supporting Greenmarket farmers!


张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 youthmarket, 农业援助

今年, Farm Aid held its 26th annual benefit concert in Kansas City, and bg视讯 joined in 的 festivities by programming a 青年市场农场摊位 在展会上, 捐赠超过25个,000名音乐会观众有机会购买由堪萨斯城地区农民生产的农场新鲜食品, 面包师, 和养蜂人.

In 的 months leading up to 的 Farm Aid show, bg视讯联系了堪萨斯城及邻近地区的农民和青年组织,为这个摊位提供物资和工作人员. 演出的那天, 的 Youthmarket stand offered a variety of items such as roasted corn, 野牛牛肉干, 焙烤食品, 山核桃蜜饯, 蜂蜜产品, 还有新鲜的浆果, 桃子, 苹果, 和番茄. Traffic at 的 stand was considerable all day, bg视讯在支付了青年员工的工资并购买了超过3美元后,能够向农场援助捐款,000 worth of food from local producers.


Greenmarket's 教育d Eater series continues


Greenmarket's fall semester is officially in session!


移民的农民 & Local Food: Greenmarket's International Community
拉斐特街399号. (在东四街.)
门票:15美元. 在这里购买.

而绿色市场上所有的食物都是在城市周围的特定半径内种植的, 该项目的一些农民来自远离东北部的国家. This anecdotal panel discussion will focus on 的ir journeys to New York, 的 culinary and agricultural traditions 的y brought with 的m, 以及他们如何将自己的传统介绍给绿色市场社区. Speakers include Jorge Carmona of Amantai Farm, 热面包厨房的桑迪·金, Hector Perez of Jersey Farms Produce and David Rowley of Monkshood Nursery. Greenmarket's publicity coordinator, Jeanne Hodesh, will moderate. 会后的招待会上将提供由帕洛桑托的雅克·戈蒂埃(Jacques Gautier)准备的便餐和阿斯特中心(Astor Center)的詹妮弗·史密斯(Jennifer Smith)调制的鸡尾酒.

门票:15美元. 在这里购买.

放眼高果糖玉米糖浆之外,加入bg视讯一起探索被误解的玉米作物, defending its rich history and culinary merits. 绿色市场秋季学期的“有教养的食客”小组讨论继续进行,专家们将以多种形式考察玉米:赤道两侧的玉米, 蒸馏玉米, 玉米作为动物饲料, 世世代代的玉米, from a native crop to its present state in 的 Nor的ast. 演讲者包括热面包厨房的Jessamyn Waldman和Farmer Ground Flour的Thor Oeschner, 由伊恩·切尼主持, 玉米王导演. A tasting of popcorn and corn-centric snacks will follow 的 discussion.

The New School, T在这里sa Lang Center, Arnhold Hall, 55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor
门票:5美元. 212.229.5488 or
Free to students and New School faculty, staff, and alumni with ID

Greenmarket成立于1976年,有双重使命:为纽约人提供当地种植的食物,同时保持当地农田的生产和不受开发. 35年后, 230个家庭农场, 构成30个以上,000英亩农田, sell 的ir products at Greenmarkets. The pressure to develop farmland is particularly high in our region, 制定策略来保持农田的生产是至关重要的. 包括David Haight在内的演讲者讨论了保护农场免受发展的挑战和解决方案, New York director of American Farmland Trust; moderator John Clinton, chair of 的 Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management program at The New School; and o的rs to be announced. Sponsored by Greenmarket and 的 New School Food Studies program.


张贴在 社区花园 |标记 布朗克斯

bg视讯的 Learn It, Grow It, Eat It program, 最近收到了ABC7的报道, spotlighting 的ir work growing food at Wishing Well Community 花园.

ABC剧组拍摄了bg视讯的LGE暑期实习生那天bg视讯哥谭酒吧的朋友 & Grill had dropped in to help with a day of work in 的 garden, 并分享他们的烹饪专业知识,烹饪一些bg视讯的青少年今年夏天种植的农产品. Gotham volunteers helped prepare 的 garden site in 的 Spring, so harvesting 的 fruits of 的ir earlier work was fitting.

Congratulations to our summer interns, and many thanks to 哥谭酒吧和烧烤店, who have been big supporters of 的 Learn It, Grow It, Eat It program.


张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 事件

9月27日, 2011, 苏富比拍卖行将举办第二届年度“农业艺术”活动,庆祝可食用的传家宝及其创作过程中的艺术. Just in time for 的 harvest season, this special evening provides a unique platform for local farmers, 供应商, 名厨, 食品行业专家和慈善家为了支持当地农业和为所有纽约人提供可持续食品选择的共同利益而联合起来.

晚上包括一个鸡尾酒招待会与美味的开胃菜红番茄, followed by a seated family-style dinner reflecting 的 bounty of 的 season. 特色菜肴将由著名的纽约和三州地区的厨师阵容创建, known for 的ir pride in farm-to-table cuisine, including Dan Kluger of ABC Kitchen, Alexandra Guarnaschelli of Butter, Ralf Kuettel of Trestle on Tenth, Rouge Tomate的Jeremy Bearman, 吉米43的吉米·卡本, 和更多的. 厨师们将使用当地农民种植的传家宝蔬菜.

买票 or 阅读更多.

Participating Chefs, Restaurants, and Wineries:

•ABC Kitchen的丹·克鲁格(Dan Kluger)
•Alexandra Guarnaschelli, Butter
•Cesare Casella, Salumeria Rosi Parmacotto
•基准公司(Benchmark)的瑞安•雅洛尼克(Ryan Jaronik)
•Mark Meyer, Cookshop
•Daniel Eardley, Chestnut
•Bill Telepan, Telepan
•约翰娜·科洛德尼,Print Lounge
•Ryan Angulo and Doug Crowell, Buttermilk Channel
•Gabriel Stulman, Fedora
•雅克·戈蒂埃(Jacques Gautier),帕洛桑托
•Christopher Hille, Nathan Foot, Chris Ronis, Nor的rn Spy Food Co.
•King Ferry酒厂

•杰夫•比亚拉斯(Jeff Bialas), B & 一个农场
•Brian Gajeski, Gajeski Produce
•Sergio Nolasco, Nolasco 's Farm
•David Rowley, Monkshood Nursery
•Nevia No,菩提树农场
•Franca Tantillo, Berried Treasures
•Kennon Kay, 皇后区 County Farm Museum
•John Adams, Hudson Valley Organic
•Keith Stewart, Keith’s Organic Farm
•John Gorzynski, Gorzynski Ornery
•Farms Vinny D’Attalico, D’Attalico Organics

bg视讯 Added to Governor's NYC Regional Economic Development Council

张贴在 bg视讯

7月29日, 2011, 州长安德鲁·科莫宣布成立纽约市区域经济发展委员会, and named bg视讯's Executive Director, 马塞尔·范·欧延, 作为会员.


“今天,bg视讯正在采取一种新的经济发展方式,这将发出一个明确的信息,即纽约对商业开放,州长科莫说。. “太久了。, 一刀切的经济发展计划忽视了纽约市等地区的独特资产和挑战. 与区域议会合作, bg视讯将赋予各个领域创造就业和增长的自主权."

地区委员会代表了该州经济发展方式的根本转变, 从自上而下的发展模式转向强调地区独特资产的以社区为基础的方法, 利用当地的专业知识, and empowers each region to set plans and priorities.

Read 的 Governor's 新闻稿.


张贴在 Greenmarket


8月1日, 1976, 《纽约时报》正在报道纽约市农贸市场的成功重生, 引用了热情的购物者和农民的话,他们在E. 第59届圣. 和第二大道. The customers were raving about 的 fresh 桃子, 牛排西红柿, and summer corn that 的 local farmers brought in for sale.

“看到这些农民来自有真正树木和植物的地方,我就起鸡皮疙瘩,' said a woman clutching her chicory lettuce. “这是一种真正的新鲜空气. Everyone’s so happy to have 的m 在这里.'"

请阅读本文的其余部分 在这里 , and visit your neighborhood Greenmarket (t在这里 are now 其中53个 在城市周围!)来享受一些bg视讯今天同样喜欢吃的夏季主食.




