
December 9, 2014
Posted in bg视讯

Governor Cuomo announced a slate of initiatives at the "Upstate-Downstate Farm to Table Agriculture Summit" in Manhattan last Thursday, 都致力于将北部生产商与纽约市联系起来,以增加城市居民获得新鲜食物的机会, New York State grown and produced foods. bg视讯在增加纽约市对纽约州农产品的消费方面发挥了不可或缺的作用,同时把更多的钱直接放进了中小农民的口袋, bg视讯期待着与国家合作,继续发展这些举措.

“Currently, 纽约市和纽约州的低收入社区缺乏新鲜食物, 健康食品和中小型农场无法与西海岸及其他地区的工业化规模农场公平竞争,” says bg视讯 Executive Director, Marcel Van Ooyen. “bg视讯非常感谢科莫州长和纽约州认识到延续bg视讯州丰富的农业传统的重要性,并为bg视讯家庭农民的财务健康以及所有收入水平的纽约人的身体健康进行投资.”

bg视讯很高兴听到科莫州长优先考虑这么多项目,bg视讯认为这些项目对于连接上州和下州的经济以及为所有纽约人提供健康食品是不可或缺的,” says bg视讯 Board Chairman, Robert J. Kafin, Esq. “纽约州拥有一些世界上最好的农民和食品生产商,没有比这8个州更好的市场了.以确保他们能够继续他们的工作,并激励下一代农民, bakers, jam makers and beyond .”

For over 40 years, bg视讯一直在努力将纽约州种植的产品送到最需要的人手中, but there is still more to be done. bg视讯感谢州长承诺提供财政支持,帮助扩大食品盒项目,如bg视讯自己的新鲜食品盒, 谁能以实惠的价格将新鲜农产品直接送到最需要的人手中. Additionally, bg视讯感谢他支持建立一个区域食品批发农贸市场和一个区域食品中心工作组,这将增加北部农民进入巨大的纽约市市场的能力,同时也增加了城市居民获得新鲜食品的机会, local foods. With the generous support of the Governor and the State of New York, bg视讯期待着bg视讯继续努力,确保纽约州将农业和农民作为经济和环境可持续性的支柱.  

Governors Island Teaching Garden: A Year in Review

December 8, 2014

During our inaugural season, bg视讯's Governors Island Teaching Garden, 总督岛城市农场内专用的多功能学习和示范花园空间, 为4500名学童举办了为期16周的园艺教育项目和技能培养研讨会, school and community gardeners, summer camps, and members of the public.

During the Fall 2014 school semester, 教学花园为500名纽约市公立学校的学生(K-12)提供了通过城市农业深入挖掘并与自然联系的机会, environmental education, and nutritional learning, by growing, harvesting, cooking, and eating farm-fresh produce. 学生们就植物护理、生态系统、食物公正和健康生活进行了深入的讨论.

学生们还有机会在自行车搅拌器上制作健康的零食或饮料! Along with a range of public schools from all five boroughs, bg视讯有幸为一些非常特殊的团体提供节目,比如灯塔协会, Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), and Rush Philanthropic. bg视讯还有幸邀请到了bg视讯的Mike Zamm,有一天他和高中生一起制作太阳能烤箱.

In addition to hosting visiting school age students, 教学园亦于夏季周末开放予公众参观. During these weekend open hours, 3,600名公众游客可以自助游览这个空间, drop-in on scheduled structured gardening activities, or taste produce from the garden during cooking demos. These activities included garden maintenance, (weeding, mulching, planting), harvesting, tours, and other hands-on arts activities.

On selected weekends during the summer, the Teaching Garden also hosted specific workshops and activities, include ones on animal care, making herbal teas, building trellising for peas, and vertical pallet garden construction. 周末游客还可以看到bg视讯在过去三十年里在整个城市建造的许多花园和绿化基础设施元素的演示. These included raised plastic lumber frame beds for edibles, ornamentals, and themed gardens; windrows for urban agricultural production; a shade structure; a rainwater harvesting system; a garden shed; mulched paths; easy to construct benches; fruit trees; season extending high- and low-tunnels; cold-frames; composting bins; recycling bins; a rain garden; stoop railing planters; and examples of enhanced tree pits for homes, gardens, and communities.

In total, the Teaching Garden produced a bounty of fruits, vegetables, and herbs -- much of it grown by children – totaling over 800 pounds. Most of this produce was harvested, cooked, 并被参观学校的团体消费,作为教学花园教育项目的一部分. Leftover produce was donated to city food pantries.







Deck the Halls - Christmas Trees + Holiday Wreaths at Greenmarkets

December 5, 2014

从当地农民那里购买当地种植的圣诞树、花环和树枝. A list of markets where you can stock up on holiday greens follows:

Durr Wholesale: Wreaths (Union Square, Saturday) 
Fiori Di Fenice: Wreaths (Union Square, Saturday) 
Floral Beauty Greenhouse: Douglas fir trees (57th St, Wednesdays, Saturdays; Columbia, Sunday; Jackson Heights Sunday - plants only)
Keith's Farm: Organic trees and wreaths (Union Square Wednesday, Saturday)
Lebak Farms: Wreaths (Grand Army Plaza, Saturday)
Mountain Sweet Berry Farm: 花圈和公主松(联合广场,周三、周五、周六)
Rexcroft Farm: Trees, wreaths, garlands (Dag Hammarskjold, Wednesday; Fort Greene, Saturday) 
River Garden: 干花圈(联合广场,星期一、三、五、六)
Stokes Farm: Herb wreaths (Tucker, Thursday, Saturday; Union Square, Saturday)
Trumansburg Tree Farms: Trees and wreaths (Union Square, Wednesday, Friday (12/19 only) and Saturday; Grand Army Plaza, Saturday)
Van Houten Farms: 树木及花圈(联合广场,星期一、三、五、六)


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